
须晖1,*, 孙博1, 李梅2, 李天来1, 宋平1
1 沈阳农业大学园艺学院, 辽宁省设施园艺重点实验室, 沈阳110161; 2 中国农业大学烟台研究院, 山东烟台264670

通信作者:须晖;E-mail: xuhuiaa@126.com;Tel: 027-88487144

摘 要:

研究不同温度对茄子苗期叶片夜间呼吸和光合启动时间影响的结果表明, 夜温控制在15~18 ℃时适合茄子苗期生长。 前半夜的温度控制在18 ℃, 后半夜控制在15 ℃, 早晨叶片见光前将温度提高到18 ℃, 可以有效缩短光合启动时间和提高叶 片的净光合速率。不同夜温处理后, 茄子叶片在特定条件下的光合启动时间在30~55 min 之间。

关键词:茄子; 夜间温度; 呼吸速率; 光合启动时间

收稿:2008-10-16   修定:2009-02-23

资助:“ 十一五” 国家科学支撑计划重点(2008BADA6B01)。

Influence of Different Night Temperatures on Respiration Rate and Start Time of Photosynthesis of Solaunum melongena L. Leaves at Seedling Stage

XU Hui1,*, SUN Bo1, LI Mei2, LI Tian-Lai1, SONG Ping1
1Horticulture Institute of Shengyang Agricultural University, Key Lab on Greenhouse in Liaoning Province, Shenyang 110161, China; 2Yantai Research Institute of China Agricultural University, Yantai, Shandong 264670, China

Corresponding author: XU Hui; E-mail: xuhuiaa@126.com; Tel: 027-88487144


The study investigated the respiration rate and start time of photosynthesis of eggplant leaves with different temperatures at night. The results showed that, the suitable temperature at night was 15–18 ℃. The temperature before midnight was 18 ℃, the one after midnight was 15 ℃. And before the light turned up, the temperature should be improved to 18 ℃, which could decrease the start time of photosynthesis and improve the photosynthesis. With the treatment of different night temperatures, the start time of photosynthesis in eggplant leaves was 30–55 min under controlled condition.

Key words: Solaunum melongena (eggplant); night temperature; respiration rate; start time of photosynthesis

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